
Everyday should be the weekend

Four day weekends are the best, and I am in the middle of one. Yesterday was Remembrance Day, which is a statutory holiday here and today was a Glenn holiday... just a personal day off. I worked in the basement today... I painted. Tomorrow I'll paint some door jambs and then I'll be putting flooring down. I love to work around the house like this... it's relaxing for me... it's me time. I could very easily quit working at my paying job and stay home. I'd stay busy... very busy... probably busier than I am now at my paying job.

I'm like my dad... he always kept busy around the house. He usually had at least one project on the go. My dad also built and flew radio control model airplanes, so he always kept busy with these. He retired at about age 62 and never was bored after that. Some people retire and have nothing to do... they get bored and waste away. I'm glad that didn't happen to my dad and I feel confident that it'll be the same way for me. I look forward to the beginning of my retirement and hope that it can begin in the near future. Until then, I'll take the occasional three or four day weekend.