
Cyber Hoarding!

I'm a saver... a cyber saver, that is. I save things that I find online. I'll probably never use most of the things I save, but it really doesn't matter since it really doesn't cost me anything to be a cyber saver. I mean, it's not like I'm cluttering up my garage saving online stuff or causing my family problems by my cyber saving and I definitely don't think I'm a candidate for the television show "Hoarders" because of it. I'm organized and keep my saves in properly labeled folders in a very organized file system. Those who know me wouldn't expect any less.

So what do I save? Have a look:

I found this a few years ago while surfing and thought it was a great photo, so I saved it. Simple!

I saved this because my nickname is crickett. I might need to communicate with someone who can't read someday, in which case, this will come in handy.

This is a photo from 1940 of the public dock on St. John in the USVI. I love St. John... so far, it's my favorite place in the world and I love old photos. Why wouldn't I save it?

This is my car... well, not actually my car, but a photograph of the car that I drive. I love my car, so why wouldn't I want a photo of my car. Actually, I have four more.

This is a photo of an old White Castle hamburger restaurant hat looks like the one my family and I went to from time to time in New Jersey. This photo brings back wonderful memories. 

This is just very cool graffiti... I had to save it.

So maybe my cyber saving doesn't make sense to anyone but me. It doesn't have to... I like the things I save... they make me happy. So until there's a television show called "Cyber Hoarders", I'm okay. Hmmmm, I think I'll save a copy of this blog!